Friday, January 30, 2009

Let The Games Begin

Going to see "Taken" tonight. Doesn't his monologue alone mak you want to see that? "I don't ave money but what I do have are a very particular set of skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you don't bring my daughter back, I will hunt you down. I will find you, and I will kill you." Come on, as if Liam Neeson isn't scary enough. Remember his haunting Ra's Al Ghoul? I just wanna see him get a guy in the kneecaps with a pair of screws, I mean, does it get more awesome than that?

Everything I Haven't Seen & Am Consequently Pissed About:
Gran Torino
My Bloody Valentine
Nobel Son
What Doesn't Kill You
Seven Pounds
The Spirit

Things I Want To See
Friday the 13th (Yeah, I just gotta know if they kill this fucker once and for all.)
The Univited
He's Just Not That Into You
The International (This guy just doesn't like simple drama, huh?)
Fired Up (On occasion, when they are helplessly stupid I get caught up in these teen flicks. The last one Ienjoyed was Stick It, and waaaaaaay before that, the one I think that started it all, Bring It On (member how young Gabrielle Union was back then??))
Duplicity (Look out for it, it's gonna be a banger)
I Love You, Man
***Last House on the Left*** I have to get the original before this comes out because it's supposed to be the one horror movie that actually scared my mother (And let's keep in mind here she grew up in the sixties and seventies, when Wes "The Remake King" Craven started to get really popular. So if it did a number on her, I, who follow in her fearless footsteps, must to subject myself to director Dennis Illiadis' latest effort.

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