Friday, February 6, 2009

And I Said What About Breakfast at Tiffany's?

...She said I think I remember the film... You don't remember that song? Deep Blue Something? Oh come on, you suck!

I'm eating the breakfast our boss and his wife had catered for us this morning. Not that I'm ungrateful in any way, but there is one little question to be asked: What made you choose salmon?

Here's the scene: I walk in the break room on our floor (which is where I must go to punch in or out) and there is literally a smorgasbord spread across the table. Juice, milk, coffee, tea, cookies, a fruit platter, a basket of pastries including chocolate chip muffins, a huge raspberry cheese danish (I totally took that, allergic and all), butter, cream cheese and bagels. Then in the corner of the table, innocently sitting in its plastic wrap, is the infamous lox.

I looked around for the bacon and sausages but of course, to my chagrin, you already know. Now I usually don't knock it unless I've tried it (I'ma keep knocking that cream cheese and bacon shit because that is just unholy) but there are some extremes in life that I am just not prepared for. Fish on my toasted plain cream cheese bagel is one of them. So I hastily plucked out slices of cantaloupe and pineapple as well as a couple of grapes and chocolate chip cookies (Yes, this is in addition to the danish) and a huge cup of apple juice. I whisked it back to my desk where I now sit, wondering in Lysol disinfectant wipes can get these cheese spots off of my keyboard.

I'm not gonna complain for the simple fact that this is the first time I've eaten before 12 midnight in weeks. My love affair with food has somehow waned in the past few months. I am quite sure that has a lot to do with the 40+ pound shift in my weight (down, not up if you were wondering). Food just doesn't hold my attention anymore. It has to be something really spectacular (like the amazing appetizer platter I got from Hard Rock last week) for me to even shift my eye.

Random Sidebar: Last night was another travesty. The BF and I were at each others throats pretty much all night, which was why I was kinda glad for the peace, however fleeting, of the walk to the train. He is so insensitive sometimes. Fuck parents, boyfriends just don't understand.

Stay tuned for this weeks edition of Miscellaneous Thoughts, coming up next.

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